Projects & Events

We are very proud of the work we do in conjunction with our partners. Click on the stories below to read more about some of our recent projects/events. Please check back regularly for news and success stories.

Grade R programme at Bellville South Primary

With the generous sponsorship of RAM Hand-to-Hand Couriers over the past couple of years SmartBrain and Worldwide Literacy have been able to help give the Grade R learners of Bellville South Primary School in Cape Town a solid foundation as they embark on their schooling.
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A breath of fresh air for Khayelitsha parents

Khayelitsha /ˌkaɪ.əˈliːtʃə/ – The largest informal settlement in Cape Town. The name is from the Xhosa, which means ‘Our new home’, but it has become notorious as a place of gang violence, uprisings and extreme poverty.

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A new reading centre in Clocolan

With the help of an ABSA donation, Marieta Groenewald, a farmer’s wife in the Free State town of Clocolan, purchased some of SmartBrain’s reading and mathematics programmes and requested SmartBrain to train some of her school’s teachers. read more…